Sunday, July 25, 2010


I sit,
crying on the inside,
Blank on the out.
I'm deserted in such a beautiful place,
the atmosphere is all new,
just what I wanted.
So, where are you?
I sit,
crying on the inside.
I thought you would be along my side,
for every journey.
Where are you now?
Please help me breathe,
I'm loosing all my sight,
I'm loosing my vision.
Upon a desert so dry,
envisioned with weaved promises.
Color was supposed to be colour.
Black was supposed to be white.
I was supposed to fly with you, in the clouds, in the air, the fresh air, the warm air, mylungswouldfillwithyourbreathjustbytheopeningofmymouth...
But i don't see you.
Why haven't you filled my page with tasteful vocabulary?
Where is the ease of your influence at my fingertips?
ontheinside, but i cant open my mouth.
Someone is man-ing my gates from the outside,
something is barricading me,
I'm blocked.
Let me out, be my release again,
may I please be in touch?
I can't even taste my words anymore, just image-less, unsalted words of pathetic babbling dripping down my chin
Ground is getting softer,
grass is modified by crooked smiles.
Brown envelopes around me in an open field,
I'm dragged out here by this rope around my ankle,
strong held by false guidance.
moving slower, muck is loving me.
It smiles at me, it greets me.
I choose not to turn back,
I turn stained in mud,
brown is all around me.
Slugging slower,
Growing nowhere,
Painting with water,
I realize now.
You are in the distance behind my vision of any angle,
and I'm covered.
Muck is hugging me now, warm with fulfillment, satisfied with my every endeavor.
Muck wants to promise me something,
I guess I'm stuck.
I will figure it out though,
I always do.
I will find your memory, and I will forget about the angry laughs around me, and every hated image that ever restricted me. I will equation my way through this muck and be with you, and we can be the only two to hold reality in a pathetic, crowded, dying scene of something I once called passion. Your still there, and I will rescue you.

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